Today was a free day at The Holy Land Experience and our church coop drove down to get in. Unfortunately, it was full. We turned around to come home, only to find out later that we could have gotten vouchers to come back another day….I was so sad. I have wanted to go to the Holy Land Experience since it opened.
Maybe you are having some disappointments and frustrations in your homeschooling already this school year. If so, the rest of us can relate in some way or another. We all have plans fall through or children get behind or oversleep day after day or something else that makes us feel like a failure of some sort.
“I don’t know why I even try,” my friend moaned to me, explaining that her son was behind. As I tried to encourage her, I realized once again, that over and over, we must all take a moment and fall into grace! His grace saves us and sets us free from frustration and feelings of failure!
One thing that can lead to disappointment is comparing ourselves to others. We are all so different! For a fun look at our differences, enjoy today’s article: “What homeschooling personality are you?” This time we talk about Sanguines and Melancholies. Next time, Cholerics and Phlegmatics. All of us are unique–but this may bring you a chuckle…and maybe even some insight.
Love and hugs to all of you! Remember, whatever personality you are….take a moment and fall into grace!
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