Finish Well is Back Again

We want to equip homeschooling families to finish the high school years well with a firm foundation of faith before hitting college or the workplace. It’s about more than just finishing school to “get it over with”; it’s about preparing the next generation to change the world, to stand firm in their beliefs, and to succeed…not merely survive.

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I Have a Goal

Goal setting is an amazing but underused tool. How many homeschool moms actually set goals for themselves and their families? I’m not talking about goals like, “finish the math book by the end of May.” I’m talking about real goals.

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Google Calendar is Great!

I’ve talked in the past about my planning month. This year we are plugging along as usual and the planning is getting done. I only have one child left who isn’t in high school yet. Once my children are in high school I believe they need to be more involved in planning their day-to-day assignments.

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July is Prep Month in the Nolette house

I have a confession to make… I am a disorganized, undisciplined homeschool mom. Strike that. Make it, I WAS a disorganized, undisciplined homeschool mom. That was my natural bent. To put it bluntly, I am scatter-brained. I get great ideas then I get board and move on to another great idea. I love, not like, LOVE, homeschooling, computers, painting, drawing, photography, listening to music, playing music, cooking, baking, creating recipes, cross-stitch, crochet, embroidery, sewing, reading, writing, science AND math! There are probably even more things that I love to do that I’m leaving out at the moment.

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