Curriculum Reviews

Since we have been homeschooling for so many years (since 1991), we have used so many different curricula. Some has been wonderful and some not so wonderful.

We have also learned that certain curriculum works better with certain children. What has been a blessing for the first two, suddenly doesn’t work on the third.

Here is some curriculum that we have reviewed for you. We will let you know honestly what we think of it.

Preschool & Phonics

Curriculum Review: Apples to Zebras

Reading & Writing & Spelling & Grammar

Homeschool Curriculum Review of IEWS Fix It Grammar: The Nose Tree
Merey's Book Review Lottie Moon
Homeschool Curriculum Review of The Right Stuff Adventure


Curriculum Review Professor in a Box Accounting
Curriculum Review Math Tutor

History & Geography & Government

Curriculum Review Retoring Americas Biblical Foundations
Homeschool Curriculum Review of
Homeschool Curriculum Review of Drive Thru History Adventures Online Course
Homeschool Curriculum Review of American History Newspaper Collection by Home School in the Woods
Homeschool Curriculum Review of Project Passport Renaissance & Reformation by Home School in the Woods
Homeschool Curriculum Review of American Heritage Education Foundation
Curriculum Review Retoring Americas Biblical Foundations


Curriculum Review Apologia Science Textbooks
Curriculum Review Human Anatomy Coloring Book
Homeschool Curriculum Review of Pine Trees Unit Study from Creation Illustrated

Latin & Logic

Homeschool Curriculum Review of American History books by Memoria Press
Homeschool Curriculum Review of First Form Latin by Memoria Press
Homeschool Curriculum Review of Latina Christiana

Bible & Worldview

Merey's Book Review The Wonder of Creation
Merey's Book Review - Everybody Always by Bob Goff
Merey's Book Review The Easter Storybook
Merey's Book Review Jehovah's Mighty Acts

Art & Electives

Audios & Videos

Homeschool Resources

Homeschooling Curriculum Reviews
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