Changing Lives – Changing Culture

A Biblical World View Education affects both individual lives and culture. In this approach to education, Christianity is taught as applying to all of life ~ there is no artificial barrier separating ‘secular’ and ‘sacred’. Individual hearts are stirred by God, their lives are changed, and they are to do everything ” . . . to the glory of God” (I Corinthians 10: 31). There are many examples throughout history of men and women whose hearts have been changed who then reach out to speak to their culture. This is seen in all fields of study …

All the music composed by Bach ~ whether it was for use in the Church or in the King’s Court ~ was for the glory of God.

Standing against great odds, William Wilberforce spoke the Truth of Christianity into England’ s Parlement to stop the slave trade.

Eric Liddel’s heart was stirred to use his athletic ability (his life) as a platform to tell people about Christ.

Isaac Newton’ heart was stirred to bring glory to God by explaining the things that God made through scientific investigation.

Rembrandt’s heart was stirred to show his personal faith in Christ through his paintings ~ many of which are now in museums for all the world to see. The heart of Lilias Trotter was stirred to paint the stories of the Bible as a means to tell the good news of salvation to Muslins living in North Africa.

The heart of Frank Capra was stirred to produce and direct, “It’s a Wonderful Life”, a touching story showing that life has purpose and meaning because there is a personal – infinite God who intervenes in history.

John Bunyan’s heart was stirred to write from prison one of the greatest explanations of the Christian life, The Pilgriim’s Progress.

These are just a few examples of Christians reaching into their culture. They did not set aside their vocation when they became Christians, but rather, God used them within their sphere of influence to reach into their culture with the Grace of Christ and the Truth of Christianity.

(Note: it must also be kept in mind that God calls some as Pastor-Teachers for the building up of the body of Christ. In this case, God separates those for this service. It is important to remember, that one group is not superior to another.)

John Whitehead, writing in The Second American Revolution, raises these important questions:
1 – Are you teaching your children that Christianity is a system of thought that applies to all of life?
2 – Are they being educated to be a generation that will vigorously resist humanistic values and infringement on their rights?
3 – Are you guiding your children to help them understand the twentieth-century problems so the coming generation will know how to attack the desperate crises we face from the Christian [world view].

The Apostle Paul challenges us to live as lights in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation ~ holding fast and holding forth the Word of Life (Phil. 2:15 – 16) ~ no matter how evil or corrupt ~ by providing adequate reasons for why we believe what we believe.

All the educational materials that Shirley and I have written are directed toward this end! There is no greater opportunity ~ and no greater responsibility. Visit our web site to learn more.

As recorded in the Book of Acts, the Apostle Paul used his Roman citizenship to further the Gospel. As citizens of the United States, we too have the same opportunity today. As we look around our culture there are many areas that stir our hearts to speak out ~ reaching out with the Grace and Truth of Christianity.

This question, posed by Dr. Schaeffer, still haunts us today. The dignity of man remains lost as Americans continue further down the stream of secularism. Shirley and I want to encourage you to join with millions of Americans by sending an empty RED ENVELOPE to the White House (1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500) on March 31. On the back of the envelope write:

Dear President Obama,
This envelope represents one child who died because of an abortion. It is empty because the life that was taken is now unable to be part of our world.

As each family member prepares his envelope ask God to STIR HEARTS and to intervene in the decisions of our leaders on this most urgent matter. Just as God raised up William Wilberforce to stop the slave trade in England, may He raise up leaders in our country to stop abortion.

Share this email with your friends.

God Bless,

David and Shirley Quine

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