I Knew He Was Brilliant

When my son, Cody, was two years old, he spoke with a speech impediment. He could not pronounce Ls. He admired “wions” and “wightbulbs” and he “woved” me very much. I’m glad he called me “Mommy” because he couldn’t say my name. If he attempted to say it, he would have called me “Waura.” This condition continued for years. Suddenly one day he walked up to me and said, “I love you.”

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Tomorrow is the Big Day in America

It is Monday morning and the sun is shining bright in Florida. Many of us have already voted because the polls have been open for early voting for weeks. I live close enough to a polling place to see how many people have been waiting in line each day to vote. There have been many! When Meredith and I went in last week to vote there were two people voting for the first time.

This is such an important election. Let’s all get out there and vote for freedom. Let’s vote for life. Let’s vote for a better America.

One Vote

All across America people are already flocking to the voting booths. Early voting allows us to have our voice heard even if we can’t make it to the polls on the first Tuesday in November.

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Free Homeschooling Workshop for Central FL Homeschoolers!

If you live in the Lake Mary/Sanford/Longwood Area of Florida, you are invited to attend a FREE workshop…actually 2 interactive 45 minute workshops for both new and seasoned homeschooling moms!  (and dads too!) 

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Ten Things About Obama

Dear Friends & Family,

 Who can’t help but like Barak Obama?  He is handsome and charming with a message of hope!  What a great speaker!

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The sun came up on another beautiful day in Florida. My husband went to work and my children were at home with me. My parents and my sister live nearby and are only a quick phone call or 20 minute drive away. This seems like such a small thing to list, but the truth is that many women cannot say the same. Times are hard and many are without jobs. Many children have been lost. Many children are away from their mothers. Many people my age have already lost one or more of their parents or siblings. When I wake in the morning it is so simple to worry about a million things. It is so simple to focus on the problems of the day, the problems in my life. It is so simple to focus on the negative. Instead I am choosing to thank the Lord for my family.

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A Birthday, A Cake Mix, & A Bag of Crab Legs

This is one of my favorite miracle memories.  We all have times where God has intervened in a delightful way.  Here is one of them from twenty years ago.

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Teaching High School Government, Elections and Current Events this Year!

I just got back from teaching my homeschool coop government class.  Laura (the other half of Powerline Productions!) teaches the class with me.  There are nineteen homeschooled kids in the class.  Most are 10-12th grade, but there are 2 sixth graders and some middle schoolers.  There are a great group of kids!

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Favorite Worship CDs

My favorite music is worship music.  Listening to worship CDs is a delight.  First, I sing along and, then, the next thing I know–my mind is on Jesus and I begin to think of all the wonderful things He has done for me!  Soon I’m thanking Him.  Before very long, my heart is captivated by Jesus Himself and who He is captures my mind completely! 

Our God is awesome!  How can we not sing songs to Him day and night when He has been so good to us?

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