New School Year and New Recipes

Meredith and I are so busy getting ready for the school year to start. It’s true. We are keeping our old-fashioned schedules and waiting till September to start school. We are working hard to start two co-ops this week. Busy, busy, busy. We hope you are all doing well with your busy schedules as well.

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An Orphan at the Door

I read a book years ago about a family that started a boarding school in their rather large home. On occasion this couple would take in orphans if they came recommended and the family believed that they could make something of the boy.

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Finish Well is Back Again

We want to equip homeschooling families to finish the high school years well with a firm foundation of faith before hitting college or the workplace. It’s about more than just finishing school to “get it over with”; it’s about preparing the next generation to change the world, to stand firm in their beliefs, and to succeed…not merely survive.

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Summer should be for fun!?

We are all homeschool parents so we know that this is a myth. The children want a break from schoolwork so they can have fun. We want a break from school work for the same reason sometimes. Reality is different however.

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FINISH WELL! is back again, Nov. 5 & 6, 2010

Laura and I are gearing up for FINISH WELL, our homeschooling high school conference on Nov 5-6, 2010.

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Happy Memorial Day!

I hope this message finds you all well. We have been studying American History in our Co-op this year. The children learned about what prompted our brave founders to come to the New World. They learned how our ancestors fought bravely and sacrificed much to break free from the tyranny which practically enslaved them. They learned about how our Founding Father’s crafted our government into the finest example of cooperation and freedom the world has seen in thousands of years.

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We’ve Been Absent Too Long

Good afternoon!

Is anybody out there?

I wouldn’t be surprised if all our readers have given us up for dead. Meredith has continued writing articles for the Take Root and Write digital magazine. I’ve been working hard with my own children, as well as the science and math students I’m helping from other families.

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God’s Girls Newest Bible Study: Beauty Secrets

Here is the introduction to our newest God’s Girls Bible study, “Beauty Secrets.”

“I’ll help you,” Jenny Rose offered when the girl next to her dropped her book bag. Papers, books, a soggy sandwich, and enough pencils to pass out to the entire homeschool coop were scattered across the floor.

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I Have a Goal

Goal setting is an amazing but underused tool. How many homeschool moms actually set goals for themselves and their families? I’m not talking about goals like, “finish the math book by the end of May.” I’m talking about real goals.

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Finish Well 2010 is Coming!

Equipping and training because you don’t want to just run the homeschooling high school race, you want to …

So many wonderful things were said at the end of the Finish Well Conference last years that we just had to bring it back again.

Our favorite was, “When are you doing this again?!”

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