One day I just walked slowly around the entire yard, soaking in the beauty and peace that had been carefully created by my dear sister.???
The flower beds flowed into one another with grace. Though my sister mentioned weeds, I didn’t see any–just a carefully tended garden. There was a vegetable garden on the side of the house that was beginning to offer its end of the season bounty. Radiant rose bushes lining the brick patio with blooms of pink, bashful and blush—one shade much darker than the other. Everywhere I looked was green with splashes of color–a wide variety of flowering plants. My favorite, of course, was the hydrangea bush on the side of the garage. It brings back memories of my grandparents, who always had the healthiest most beautiful hydrangea bushes in the world. They are still my favorite. Hers was standing with dignity offering its beauty to the God who creates all things. And I soaked it all in, so proud of my sister and the beauty that flows from her life. ?
Daddy grew up in a farm right here in Sanford. He would spend his Saturdays with a baseball cap on, puttering around the garden, planting and pruning until everything was just the way he wanted it. We planted a flower garden together several springs and we had some house planting adventures too! But, Daddy’s love of gardening lives on in my sister.????
My grandmother (mom’s mom) grew up on a farm and always was digging in the dirt, creating beauty in the yard and growing fresh vegetables. We would enjoy fresh green bean and ripe red tomatoes with dinner as the fruit of her labors. Of course, tomatoes found their way into jars as stewed tomatoes and tomato preserves that were spread lightly on freshly baked bread. This is our heritage and my sister has carried it on by gardening, making pickled cherries, and bringing beauty to the lives of those around her. ??
My sister lives in the house in Wilmington that my grandparents retired in. So many memories fill my heart whenever I walk through those doors. Good smells from the kitchen of cookies baking and yummy homemade soups simmering on the stove. I am so thankful that my sister still has this family home…she has made it her own and it is beautiful. I think if she wanted to, she could be an interior decorator!
The biggest thing that I remember about my grandparents’ home was that it was filled with love and people. Again my sister carries on this tradition by pouring her heart out to her friends and family, extending hospitality in a way that would make Mommy, Daddy, Beezie, and Gramps so proud. Is this my baby sister, so grown up and successful and lovely?
As I flew home from Delaware, I was reminded of my heritage…God gave me a wonderful family….I am so blessed. And though I miss my parents and grandparents so much, I see so much of each of them in my sister.
Happy Birthday, Julie. I love you!
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