Homeschooling really begins at birth. We teach our children that we love them by feeding them and changing their diapers.
We introduce them to the world and teach them to speak, crawl, and walk. In addition, we teach them to use the restroom.
These years fly by, especially if you have older children, so make the most of every moment. Enjoy the cute little phrase, the displays of kindness, and the new discoveries they make.
How to homeschool our little lambs?
Well, that’s easy! Bake cookies together, look at the stars together, build a sand castle together, slide down the slide together, and read lots and lots of beautifully-illustrated well-written picture books. You can’t read them too many books in one day, even if it’s the same one over and over again.
Limit TV to less than an hour a day, if at all. Television shortens attention spans. Discover the world together. Talk, talk, talk and answer all their questions! You are cultivating an thirst for knowledge that will always be a blessing.
Above all, teach your little ones that Jesus loves them. Tell them all the Bible stories and fill their lives with hugs, kisses, and cuddles.