Field trips are fun! While making memories that last forever, field trips break the monotony of the routine!
Moms, Dads, and children all need to get out and enjoy the adventures that field trips can bring!
Field Trips
Here are some places we have loved visiting! Send me your favorite places too!
North Carolina
The Biltmore Estate biltmore.com
Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove bgtc.info
Colonial Williamsburg history.org
Jamestown Settlement & Yorktown Victory Center historyisfun.org/Yorktown-Victory-Center.htm
The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center virginiaaquarium.com
Creation Museum creationmuseum.org Located near Cincinnati, this museum is within a day’s drive of almost 2/3 of the U.S. population (within 650 miles of the museum).
Mammoth Cave National Park nps.gov/maca/index.htm
Washington, DC
DC Pages Tourism dcpages.com/Tourism
The Virtual Tour of Washington DC ahp.gatech.edu/dc_map.html
Delaware & Pennsylvania
Hagley Museum hagley.org
The Franklin Institute fi.edu/index.php
Independence National Historical Park/Independence Hall & Liberty Bell nps.gov/inde/index.htmnps.gov/inde
A Day in Old New Castle (I attended this with my grandparents!!) historicnewcastle.com/historicnewcastle.com/Welcome.html
New York
Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island nps.gov/stli/index.htm
South Dakota
Mount Rushmore National Monument nps.gov/moru/index.htm
Grand Canyon National Park nps.gov/grca
Lake Havasu Convention & Visitors Center (see London Bridge!) golakehavasu.com
Sedona, Arizona (beautiful red rock formations!) visitsedona.com
Pikes Peak pikes-peak.com
Yellowstone National Park, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana nps.gov/yell/index.htm
Museum of Creation and Earth History icr.org/discoverycenter
San Diego Zoo zoo.sandiegozoo.org
Yosemite National Park nps.gov/yose/index.htm
Sequoia National Park nps.gov/seki/index.htm
Redwood National & State Parks nps.gov/redw/index.htm