If you are homeschooling high school or heading into those years in the future, we want to invite you and your teens to join us for two full days of equipping, ministry, and fun! You will have full access to all that we can get into your hands, heart, and head so that you can homeschool high school with confidence, success, and joy!

We are kicking off the day with airsoft for the whole family! Session after session will call you to excellence in your home with information, inspiration, biblical principles, methods, and practical tips that work! You will see old friends and make new ones! Your teens will have a weekend that is jam-packed with fun, fellowship, and faith-building sessions. Lives have been changed at previous conferences and we are expecting God to minister to every heart at this next one too.
In the meantime, what fun it is on a lovely sunny day to enjoy boating on one of our area’s lovely lakes or rivers. We must steer carefully, not getting too close to the shore, lest we run aground. This is accomplished by keeping our eyes on our destination (the goal!) and maintaining vigilance. Throughout all our high school plans, classes, and endless documentation, we want to keep our eyes on our destination of raising world changers.
Depth of the water is important when boating. The water needs to be deep enough for the boat to glide through without touching the bottom. Spiritual depth is important in our own lives so that we can impart our faith to our beloved children and receive grace to homeschool for the glory of God.
We also need to maintain vigilance about the depth of our children’s walks with the Lord. Doing certain “nornal” teenage things (like dual enrolling or joining the church youth group) require a depth in their walk with the Lord that will withstand the temptations that assault our teens in these situations.
Steering clear of obstacles is another important task of boating. Sand, muck, and twigs can get in the engine keeping the water from flowing smoothly to cool the engine down. The Holy Spirit must flow through our teens’ lives so that they are kept focused on growing in their relationships with Christ and resisting temptation. As homeschooling parents, we must avoid allowing things in our children’s lives that will muck up their motor, leading them astray from Jesus. Every child is different and things affect each child differently. Each child is tempted in different ways by different things. Don’t assume something will be okay for your child. Be sensitive to anything that will grieve or quench the Holy Spirit.
I hope that your life is filled with lovely days like the ones we have boating, but even more, I hope that you are homeschooling high school with joy and success. Looking forward to seeing you at Finish Well!
Merey (Meredith Ludwig Curtis)
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