Families are beautiful creations of God.
What a creative hodge-podge of people live in our homes.
We laugh, live and love together for the glory of God. We learn to resolve conflict, work through difficulties and survive trials together-because we’re all on the same team-a winning team, coached by God Himself.
Two are better than one. God has blessed us with our spouses. We are able to build each other up in the Lord, work together to raise godly children, and enjoy the beauty of romantic love. We also have the opportunity to rub off those rough edges for one another. Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about. Marriage is God’s plan and a good one!
We are Kingdom-Seekers, Jesus Followers, Lovers of God, Christians who trust in the Finished Work of Christ for this life and the one to come. The Good Shepherd has promised to lead us beside still waters and bring us into rich green pastures to nourish our souls. His burdens are easy and light. We are the ones who get distracted by things that weigh us down. Take a minute, slow and enjoy the blessing of belonging to the Creator and King of the Universe, the Lover of your soul, your Redeemer and King.