July is Prep Month in the Nolette house

I have a confession to make… I am a disorganized, undisciplined homeschool mom. Strike that. Make it, I WAS a disorganized, undisciplined homeschool mom. That was my natural bent. To put it bluntly, I am scatter-brained. I get great ideas then I get board and move on to another great idea. I love, not like, LOVE, homeschooling, computers, painting, drawing, photography, listening to music, playing music, cooking, baking, creating recipes, cross-stitch, crochet, embroidery, sewing, reading, writing, science AND math! There are probably even more things that I love to do that I’m leaving out at the moment.

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I Knew He Was Brilliant

When my son, Cody, was two years old, he spoke with a speech impediment. He could not pronounce Ls. He admired “wions” and “wightbulbs” and he “woved” me very much. I’m glad he called me “Mommy” because he couldn’t say my name. If he attempted to say it, he would have called me “Waura.” This condition continued for years. Suddenly one day he walked up to me and said, “I love you.”

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